Toledo Art Walk participants: | Arts & Entertainment |

2022-08-26 20:12:08 By : Ms. Lily Bu

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Cloudy skies. High 66F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph..

Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 53F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.

• Yaquina River Museum of Art, 151 NE Alder St., nonprofit art gallery and history museum founded by Michael and Judy Gibbons to preserve and promote art inspired by the Yaquina River watershed. The museum is in the School House, a millworker’s house that once was home to the Toledo United Methodist Church Sunday School.

Paintings by guest artist Colleen Caubin will be on display in a show titled “Heaven in a Wildflower,” inspired by William Blake’s poem “Auguries of Innocence.”

Caubin, who studied with Michael Gibbons, will give a talk about her plein air artwork each day at 1 p.m. at the covered brick patio of the School House. Refreshments will be served. An artist talk has been a traditional part of Art Walk, and this year is no exception.

• Gallery Michael Gibbons, 140 NE Alder St., in the historic St. John’s Episcopal Vicarage. On display will be a large number of unframed original oil paintings discovered in the late artist’s studio after his death; many have never been shown before. Judy noted that Michael took his easel with him wherever he traveled, and considered it “pure pleasure to paint everywhere he went.”

A sale of prints, cards, and mugs is featured as well. Light refreshments will be served.

• St. John’s Episcopal Church, 110 NE Alder St., listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Clay and ceramics by Martha Wallace and photography by Dennis White will be on display in the ground level Fireplace Room and adjacent Parish Hall of the church.

The Newport Youth Symphony, made up of school-age students from the coast, joined by members of the Newport Symphony Orchestra, will perform throughout Art Walk weekend at St. John’s.

• Ivan Kelly Studio & Gallery, 207 East Graham St., oil paintings of Ivan Kelly, known for coastal landscapes, big game and maritime scenes. He is a signature member of the American Society of Marine Artists, and his paintings have been juried into national public art museum tour exhibits since 2000.

“Our plan is to exhibit coastal landscapes,” Kelly said. “Some new pieces shown will be: ‘Spring Time along the Yaquina River’ and small paintings of the Rocky Creek area and the cliffs and hills of Yaquina Head clothed in summer wildflowers.”

“A native of Ireland, upon arriving in North America I came under the influence of several admired outdoor painters, which fired me up to paint mountain and coastal landscapes from life,” Kelly said. “Light, mood and sense of place became the central theme of my work.”

• Crow’s Nest Gallery & Studio, 305 N. Main St., featuring the work of 15 local artists, among them found object assemblages by gallery founder Janet Runger.

• Art Toledo Phantom Galleries, Main Street storefronts.

• FIKKA Designs, 195 North Main St., mixed media clay, fiber and paper by Karen Fitzgibbon.

• Toledo Public Library Founders’ Show, with paintings by Art Walk founders Michael Gibbons, Ivan Kelly and Doug Haga.

In 2008, Toledo Mayor Rod Cross asked plein air artist Michael Gibbons about his vision for the small mill town. As Gibbons’ wife, Judy, remem…

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